Saturday, 29 June 2013

The Reset and The Regroup

It's been a challenging week at best.  Between travelling for work and socializing with work colleagues (food and drinks) I feel like this has been a complete flop of a week.  I feel guilty and I refuse to conclude this as my FIRST WEEK of getting healthy.  Let's go over some of the challenges I faced:

1.  My boss chose an italian restaurant for a staff dinner - Ok, so I don't eat pasta or red meat BUT I have a crazy anxiety disorder that keeps me from eating alot of food out at restaurants (easiest way I can explain it is food safety issues lol).  So, I have to stick with items I know will be food safe and opted for a vegetarian pizza. WORST. CHOICE. EVER.

2. My boss chose a pizza place for our staff luncheon the next day. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!

3. Too much boozy boozy!!! Just in case you are not aware of why I do for a living... I drink booze.....literally.  I'm a wine and spirits rep and part of my job is to drink it.  Sounds like a pretty bunk gig huh?  Well, sometimes it's great! and then there's all the other times ~ like when you're trying to lose weight.  Could I have said "no"? Not exactly.  It's a little complicated I suppose.

All in all it has been an ultimate failure of a week and I couldn't be more disappointed in myself and feel like all I wanna do is eat a carrot!  Official first weigh in will be next Friday.  Please don't judge me!!!

P.S. I thought I would share that I am also negating taking birth control for the next few months as well.  I have a sinking feeling that me switching my birth control over and over the last year has had some effect on my system and I am looking to clear it out of anything unnatural at the moment.  

P.P.S.  Ben (the little love of my life) and I have a very special announcement to make - We are expected a new addition to our family - but she has 4 legs not 2!!!  Her name is Rosie and she is a wee little Boston Terrier brought to me by a magic unicorn of love.  She unfortunately broke her tiny little leg the other day and can't come home for another month but I couldn't be more excited or happy for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Like I said in our texts... don't get down on yourself. Shit happens. All you can do is keep on keepin' on. I'm proud of you and look forward to reading your exercise plan and seeing your first weigh in!

    PS - can you follow this video and add an email subscription form on your blog? then i can subscribe and get emails each time you post.
