Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Things that are scarier than the Boogey Man!! - Day One

Okie dokie then.... Like I promised I took all of my measurements and the dreadful "before" picture.  Dreadful is an understatement to say the least.  But it's where I'm starting and where I'm never going to be again so I might as well take record.  I can't hide under baggy clothes anymore ~ so here it is (all kinds of naked *shudder* and stuff).

I started the day off right.  I made a promise to myself (and to my friend Katie who is my inspiration for all of this - Let' s call her Inspy) that I would eat breakfast every day this week.  And I started Day One with a panic attack and some delicious breakfast thing I saw posted somewhere.  I would take a picture, but I ate it all!!

Bananas in a Blanket (made that up right now - yesssss)

1 whole wheat tortilla (warmed for 15-20 secs in the microwave)
1 banana
1 tbsp ish almond butter
1 dash cinnamon

It took about 1 minute to make this tasty little breakfast.
Warm up the tortilla for about 20 secs cut in 2 halves
Spread Almond butter (or whatever butter as long as its not like butter butter) on tortilla halves
Cut banana in half and place each half on a tortilla half
Sprinkle with Cinnamon and wrap it up tight like so the banana doesn't escape
** I think the original recipe I saw said to slice it up like little saucers, but to honest I don't cope well with knives and it was like a little burrito of love this way

329 Calories of mmm mmm good

1 comment:

  1. Inspy says you read about the "Bananas in a Blanket" on her blog. Mmmmm. Awesome job with the pictures and measurements Ash. That is scary to do, and you did it. You made the decision you want to change (it took me about a year of bitching before I did it), and you're moving forward. And btw, our starting measurements are pretty frickin similar. Biceps and thighs were identical, boobs within 0.5" of each other. Side note: your waistline is right under your red top in that pic. Above your belly button. Where your sides come in. Not to say you measured wrong place, but I assumed waist was around belly button, silly Inspy.
